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March 20, 2009



Wow, I have to commend you, you are very good at interpreting the scriptures.
Maybe we can get you to interpret some of these "Sayings of the Wise" from the South American Spanish speaking culture into the Northeastern United States culture, or vise versa. We can't find anyone who knows how. Everytime we do it, it's always the same. "No, no the word is not interpreting correctly and you just don't have a good enough grasp on our culture to understand the correct meaning!" (you had to grow up with it, either side says)
And that's today's culture in the modern versions of the languages.
You have managed to go back thousands of years and do this. Not even Sirach could do that! (He's in the Catholic Bible)

But seriously, doesn't the Bible also state that there must be two witnesses to a murder? i think you mistakenly left that part out.
Do you think that people should be given the death penalty based on DNA evidence or crime scene evidence or even on the evidence of one witness? Does that not fly in the face of Scripture?

Also, if the death penalty is the function of government, should the decision not be left to government officials rather than to individuals who go around trying to persuade people that government officials are wrong?

Have you been the victim of a Capital crime? (meaning, have you had a wife, son or daughter murdered?)

I have, and I believe people who have no understanding of these matters (such as individuals who have never raised children, but can tell you all about how to raise a teenager)should stay out of these matters.

A good thing about understanding the Scriptures is that we can use the information we have obtained to take a good honest look at ourselves.

We might find the best thing we can do is show mercy to others, at every opportunity. Even those who did not show mercy.

Wayne M

I was raised Catholic and I am very familiar with Sirach thank you very much.
I went to Catholic grade school and Catholic college, I am steeped in Catholic Teaching and Tradition... But thanks for your concern... ;-DD

If I left out the part about the 2 witnesses.. that is only because I left out the rest of the Bible also.
I was a bit short on time. I did not have eternity to post this. I am fine with the two witnesses part.. I have no problem with that at all.. that is why I would argue for any death penalty case has to be proved beyond all doubt. But believe it or not, there are cases like that where the person is not put to death.

"Do you think that people should be given the death penalty based on DNA evidence or crime scene evidence or even on the evidence of one witness? Does that not fly in the face of Scripture?"
All evidence should be brought in and no, this does not fly in the face of scripture...

"Also, if the death penalty is the function of government, should the decision not be left to government officials rather than to individuals who go around trying to persuade people that government officials are wrong?"
In America, the people are the government and we are responsible hold our officials accountable... How do you think slavery came to an end.. Private individuals influencing government.. First in Europe and then in America.. (See the Abolitionist movement and the history of the great awakenings and the history of William Wilberforce http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ei=ZXrSScWoE4P3nQeJnbnRBQ&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=william+wilberforce&spell=1 )

"Have you been the victim of a Capital crime? (meaning, have you had a wife, son or daughter murdered?)"
I am sorry for your loss, but this is like asking "Can a government official like a president or senator who had never been in the military lead a country into war?" of course the answer is yes.. Note Abraham Lincoln and many others.
Correct policy does not matter if a person has experienced a crime. Correct policy is correct policy.

"We might find the best thing we can do is show mercy to others, at every opportunity, Even those who did not show mercy."
I would completely agree, but personal mercy is very different from government policy.

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