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April 10, 2007



I find HDR photos fascinating with one exception... photos with clouds in the sky. The underside invariably looks sooty, as if the clouds had passed over a field of England's coal fired chimneys. I'm sure there is a way to avoid this, perhaps using a mask and blending the original clouds in from a layer below. But the clouds in HDR photos often look unnatural and ominous.

Q and A Blogger

I am still learning more about this process and I am doing more and more types of images in this process.

Chris S

Thank you for your introduction to Photomatix. They are indeed the premiere vendor for HDR software. Thank you also for that recommendation for the book... I bought it and now I can produce HDR almost as good as yours. Thanks a ton!!!

Timothy K Hamilton

You're absolutely right about Ferrell's book. I've learned a lot of "little" things that I hope will add up to a lot. He really covers it all.
Your HDRs are great, Wayne!

Wayne M

Thanks Timothy...
Good to hear from you.

Linda McCormick

I was introduced to HDR recently at a Gerlach photo seminar. Mr. Gerlach is a proponent of HDR and says that although some people think it results in a too-perfect look, HDR actually does a wonderful job of showing what the human eye really takes in and adjusts to when looking at a scene with varied lighting.

Great work!

Temperance and labor

Temperance and labor are the two best physicians of man; labor sharpens the appetite, and temperance prevents from indulging to excess.

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