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January 04, 2006


Brian Parker

It is amazing how people react to the truth. I am also pleased to hear that he ended his prayer by asking it in Jesus name. Thank you for bringing this situation to light. I enjoyed reading your post.

God Bless.


Wayne, Joe Wright is a local pastor in Wichita and his prayer was actually given to the Kansas House of Representatives.

Here is the text of the original prayer delivered January 23, 1996 by Pastor Joe Wright to the Kansas House of Representatives in Topeka.


Powerful prayer!
Lyn from Bloggin' Outloud

Ralph Dewar

I received this prayer in an email in French in the form of a chain letter. Amazing, the truth is sure hard to swallow.

Reginald Mahlo

The prayer is exactly what we need. Proverbs14 says righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people. This is awesome. I know it is a guidance from the Spirit of God. We don't know what we are praying for but the spirit intercedes for us...

Wayne M

Thanks for stopping by.

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