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November 05, 2005


cwv warrior

I see you! I see you! Congratulations on a God glorifying performance! Would love to have been there. This is when streaming sounds good. Well, if Swedes can do the devil's metal, (as my sons can attest) you Norwegians can holler out God's music anytime! Those Swedes need to be put in their place! AMEN

Wayne M

You know, this was the most fun I have had in a looooooooong time. Maybe it is my french blood that allowed me to loosen up. OOOOOppss!!! I can get in real trouble on here admitting that I have french heritage.


I see you rocking out in this pic!!!

I am so glad it was a huge success!

Rev John Telfer Brown

Praise the Lord, glad it was a success for you Wayne!


Wayne M

You know what the other cool thing was?
We had some Christian brothers from the Congo/Africa there at the missions conference also. They were singing songs in their tounge also. It was like heaven.

Man, one day we will be there...
I can't waite...


That song sounded awesome!
Great job from all of you!


I can attest - Wayne's got mad vocal chops. I mean, for a Frenchman and all. There is an amazing sense of joy found in Gospel music. Who says Christians can't have fun? Friday's concert was more fun than any ten nights at a club downtown!

Wayne M

I'm telling you've been hanging out at the club down town! lol

That was indeed a ton of fun.

I want to do it again!!!

Gospel CDs

Gospel music is my favorite, especially in concerts or at church. You can really feel it and change your mood.

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