A wonderful tribute to the survivors of Katrina has been written my by Les Lewellyn of the Dixie Lizards. He wrote the song in honor of all of those affected on the Gulf coast. He said....
I have friends, family, and loved ones who have lost everything as a result. Being a singer songwriter I took it upon myself to sing my prayer to the survivors. The song is called "Gulf Coast Lullaby", I play the Bass Guitar, The keyboard, and sing on this very simple but hard hitting song. It's of no cost to anyone and I just want to share my prayer of hope with all concerned.
(Just right click the file above and use "save target option" to download to where you wan it on your computer. the song is sampled at 224kps which is a very good quality.)
Story of the song...
I also have a direct link to the Red Cross on that page so that listeners can donate to them if they feel the urge to do so. I make no money from this and it is from my heart.
Please give it a listen and if you have comments please write him back so he can add them to my website.
With love and God bless,
Les Lewellyn